If you use this Heliospheric Shock Database, please, include the following acknowledgement: "This paper uses data from the Heliospheric Shock Database, generated and maintained at the University of Helsinki."
We also ask an electronic copy of any publication that acknowledges the database. Please, send it to emilia.kilpua@helsinki.fi.
  • Lario, D.; Berger, L., Decker, R. B., Wimmer-Schweingruber, R. F., Wilson, L. B., III; Giacalone, J., Roelof, E. C. (2019), Evolution of the Suprathermal Proton Population at Interplanetary Shocks , The Astronomical Journal, 158, doi: 10.3847/1538-3881/ab1e49.
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  • Kilpua, E.K.J., A. Balogh, R. von Steiger, Y. Liu (2017), Geoeffective properties of solar transients and stream interaction regions, Space Sci. Rev., 212, doi:10.1007/s11214-017-0411-3.
  • Ala-Lahti, M.M., E.K.J. Kilpua, A. P.A. Dimmock, Andrew. A. Osmane, T. Pulkkinen, J. Souček, Jan (2018), Statistical analysis of mirror mode waves in sheath regions driven by interplanetary coronal mass ejection, Ann. Geophysical., 36, doi:10.5194/angeo-36-793-2018.
  • Díaz Castillo, S.M., (2018), Characterization of CME-driven shock in the interplanetary medium using type II radio bursts,, Universidad Nacional de Colombia Observatorio Astronómico Nacional Bogotá, Colombia, link.
  • Balasis, G., Daglis, I.A., Contoyiannis, Y. et al., (2017), Observation of Intermittency-Induced Critical Dynamics in Geomagnetic Field Time Series Prior to the Intense Magnetic Storms of March, June, and December 2015, J. Geophys. Res., 123, doi:10.1002/2017JA025131 .
  • Zheng, J., Q. Hu, and Y. Chen (2017), Automated Detection of Small-scale Magnetic Flux Ropes and Their Association with Shocks , J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 900, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/900/1/012024.
  • Gómez-Herrero, R., N. Dresing, A. Klassen, B. Heber, M. Temmer, A. Veronig, R. Bučík, M.A. Hidalgo, F. Carcaboso, J.J. Blanco, (2017), Sunward-propagating Solar Energetic Electrons inside Multiple Interplanetary Flux Ropes, Astrophys. J., 840, doi:10.3847/1538-4357/aa6c5c.
  • Lario, D., R. B. Decker, E. C. Roelof, A. F. Viñas, R. F. Wimmer-Schweingruber, L. Berger (2017), Large energetic particle pressures in Solar Cycles 23 and 24, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 900, 012012. doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/900/1/012012.
  • Palmerio, E., E. K. J. Kilpua, A. W. James, L.M. Green, J. Pomoell, A. Isavnin, G. Valori (2017), Determining the intrinsic CME flux rope type using remote-sensing solar disk observations, Solar Phys., 292:39. doi: 10.1007/s11207-017-1063-x.
  • Afanasiev, A., A. Aran, R. Vainio, A. Rouillard, P. Zucca, D.. Lario, S. Barcewicz, R. Siipola, J. Pomoell, B. Sanahuja, O.E. Malandraki (2017), Modelling of Shock-Accelerated Gamma-Ray Events, In: Malandraki O., Crosby N. (eds) Solar Particle Radiation Storms Forecasting and Analysis. Astrophysics and Space Science Library, vol 444. Springer, Cham, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-60051-2_9.
  • Schiller, Q., S. G. Kanekal, L. K. Jian, X. Li, A. Jones, D. N. Baker, A. Jaynes, H. E. Spence (2016), Prompt injections of highly relativistic electrons induced by interplanetary shocks: a statistical study of Van Allen Probes observations, Geophys. Res. Lett., 43, 12,317–12,324. doi: 10.1002/2016GL071628.
  • Adhikari, L. G. P. Zank, P. Hunana, Q. Hu (2016), The interaction of turbulence with parallel and perpendicular shocks: theory and observations at 1 AU, Astrophys. J., 833, 218. doi: 10.3847/1538-4357/833/2/218.
  • Lugaz, N. C. J. Farrugia, R. M. Winslow, N. Al-Haddad, E. K. J. Kilpua, P. Riley (2016), Factors affecting the geoeffectiveness of shocks and sheaths at 1 AU, J. Geophys. Res., 121, 10,861–10,879. doi: 10.1002/2016JA023100.
  • Miteva R., S.W. Samwel, M.V. Costa-Duarte, D. Danov D.1 (2016), The online catalog of Wind/EPACT proton events , Proceedings of Eighth Workshop “Solar Influences on the Magnetosphere, Ionosphere and Atmosphere” Sunny Beach, Bulgaria, May 30 - June 3, 2016, Link.
  • Palmerio, E., E.K.J. Kilpua, N. Savani (2016), Planar magnetic structures in coronal mass ejection-driven sheath regions, Ann. Geophys., 34, 313–322. doi: 10.5194/angeo-34-313-2016.
  • Kataoka, R., D. Shiota, E.K.J. Kilpua, K. Keika (2015), Pileup accident hypothesis of magnetic storm on 17 March 2015, Geophys. Res. Lett., 42(13), 5155–5161. doi: 10.1002/2015GL064816.
  • Kilpua, E.K.J., E. Lumme, K. Andreeova, A. Isavnin, H.E.J. Koskinen (2015), Properties and drivers of fast interplanetary shocks near the orbit of the Earth (1995–2013), J. Geophys. Res., 120(6), 4112–4125. doi: 10.1002/2015JA021138.